Time in a bottle: river widening dredges up antique bottles
Time in a bottle: river widening dredges up antique bottles

time in a bottle: river widening dredges up antique bottles time in a bottle: river widening dredges up antique bottles

moving on to get this finished look! Now glue doesn't always adhere to glass well. When it is all done it will look like this.below: When the glue isn't so hot and cooled some, I press the jute ends down into the glue and smooth them out on the bottle. ( I do that to help get an even pull down of my netting because if you pull down on one side, it tends to make the ring at the top of your bottle shift. You want that ring to lay even all the way around the top of your bottle when your finished with the bottom.) Then I trim all the excess strands of jute off from where I glued them down. Then I glue down the rest in between each. You don't want a big hump under your bottles bottom! Then I take another set of strands on the opposite side (right) of the bottle and do the same thing.

time in a bottle: river widening dredges up antique bottles

So as you see in the photo above, I have pulled each set of strands tightly, starting with one set on one side (left) of the bottom of my bottle, and take my glue gun and glue it in towards the center (not all the way to the center) of the bottles bottom. Like I said before I like smooth finished surfaces.

Time in a bottle: river widening dredges up antique bottles